5 Tips for Successfully Growing an Almond Tree
- If you want to grow an almond tree, follow these tips, you'll be well on your way to successfully growing an almond tree!
Did you know that Almond trees typically take 3 years before they start producing and will generally continue producing for 25 years? Successfully growing an almond tree isn’t extremely difficult, however, there are a few things that you should know to ensure it grows properly and thrives!
Here are 5 tips on how to successfully grow an almond tree!
1) Choose a Sunny Location
Almond trees need full sun in order to grow properly. Be sure to choose a location for your almond tree that gets plenty of sunlight throughout the day! They can grow up to around 30 feet.
A good rule of thumb is to plant your trees around 15 feet away from anything large that will prevent them from gaining the sunlight that it needs. The more sun it has, the better.
Once you have a location picked out, you can buy an almond tree from Marrone Bio Innovations. Once your tree or seeds arrive, you can start preparing the soil for planting!
2) Plant at the Right Time
The best time to plant almond trees is in late winter or early spring. This is because the temperatures are slowly climbing and there is no risk of frost.
If you live in an area with a mild climate, you can plant almond trees in the fall. However, it is important to give them time to acclimate before cold weather hits.
3) Prepare the Soil
If you want to grow an almond tree, then you’ll want to prepare the soil properly before planting. Whether you are growing an almond tree from seed or not, having the soil prepared, is important for its growth.
The best type of soil is going to be one that is sandy loam, fertile, and drains well. You can also use decomposed manure. This can help with drainage and increase nutrients for the tree to continue to grow.
4) Prune Your Almond Tree
Pruning is an important step in a flowering almond tree. This helps to ensure that the tree will continue to grow properly and produce fruit.
To promote good growth, it’s best to prune approximately 20% of the canopy each year. Remove any dead or dying branches. The goal is to remove all of the damaged components without breaking branches that haven’t been attacked by insects. This pruning should be done during the winter when trees are dormant (December or January).
In addition to that, you can remove any suckers that are forming around the trunk. Prune out dead or sick branches at any time of year.
5) Before Harvest Time
Stop watering your almond trees a few weeks before harvest to allow the fruits to dry out and have an acceptable moisture level. This helps to prevent almond rot, which could ruin your entire crop.
Growing Almond Trees
By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to successfully growing an almond tree! Just be patient, as it takes a few years for them to start producing fruit, but once they do, you’ll have almonds growing for years to come!
If you want to continue learning more about planting and gardening, be sure to check out the rest of our blog!
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