Owning a 12ft trampoline opens up a world of fun for the whole family. With a large jump surface and bounce, 12ft trampolines are perfect for learning tricks and moves. From somersaults to seat drops to volleyball smashes, there are endless entertaining things you can try.
In this beginner’s guide, we will walk you through some of the most popular trampoline tricks to get your family jumping. With a focus on safety and step-by-step instructions, mastering these 12ft trampoline tricks is fun and easy.
Safety First
Before attempting any tricks on your Jumpfly 12ft trampoline, safety should always come first. Trampolining involves aerial maneuvers and flips, which can lead to accidents and injuries if not careful. Here are some key safety tips:
- Always jump one person at a time
- Use protective padding covers on poles and springs
- Supervise children at all times
- Learn fundamental bounces and body control before tricks
- Attempt tricks in the middle of the mat away from poles and edges
- Wear comfortable clothing free of drawstrings and buckles
The Seat Drop
The seat drop is one of the most popular beginner 12ft trampoline tricks. It allows you to experience momentary “weightlessness” as you drop through the trampoline mat. Here is how to safely perform a seat drop:
- Start by sitting in the middle of the trampoline with your legs straight out in front
- Place your hands flat on the mat at your sides to stabilize
- Lift your feet slightly while straightening your legs
- As you feel the trampoline push back, use the momentum to stand up tall
- As you stand fully erect, allow yourself to free fall gently back into a seated position
The sensation of floating for a split second will make you feel like you are defying gravity. Just make sure to land softly and properly in your seat. Having control as you transition from standing to sitting is key.
The Knee Drop
Similar to a seat drop, a knee drop lets you fall to your knees and experience a weightless thrill. Follow these steps:
- Start by standing upright with a wide stance in the middle of the trampoline
- Bend your knees and lower down until you are in a crouched position, keeping your back straight
- Place your hands in front of your knees for added stability
- Straighten your legs to elevate your body slightly off the mat
- Allow your knees to collapse gently as your body drops into the crouched pose again
This beginning trick lets you control the rise and fall of your body for an exhilarating floating feeling. Go easy on your knees and land softly each time.
The Pancake Drop
A cousin to the seat drop, this is called a pancake drop because you land flat on your stomach. Here are the steps:
- Start by lying horizontally on your stomach in the middle of the trampoline
- Place your palms flat on the mat beneath your shoulders to support yourself
- Gently press your torso up to create space beneath you, keeping legs straight
- As you feel yourself lift up, allow your body to fall flat back onto your stomach
- Absorb the landing by keeping your head up and spine aligned
This beginning 12ft trampoline trick lets you safely learn to control your balance as you maneuver horizontal drops. Remember to keep your head and neck aligned as you land.
The Handstand
One of the most impressive beginner tricks is the handstand. It requires core strength, balance, and practice. Follow these steps to learn:
- Start in a standing position and bend forward at the waist while shifting your weight onto your hands
- Walk your feet inward toward your torso until your body is completely vertical
- Engage your core and glutes and straighten your body into a handstand position
- Hold the inverted pose with weight centered between your shoulders
- When ready to come down, slowly bend at the waist again to return upright
The handstand takes time to perfect. Have someone spot you until you gain confidence. This tricks builds exceptional full-body control and stability over time.
The Front Flip
When you feel ready to try basic flips and aerial tricks, the front flip is a good starting point. Here is a step-by-step guide:
- Initiate the movement with a solid vertical jump upwards
- As you reach the peak height, thrust your arms forward and lift your knees to gain momentum
- Tuck your body into a tight ball and allow your rotation to carry you forward
- Spot your landing as you rotate and prepare your feet to make contact with the mat
- Absorb the landing with bent knees and centered balance
The key is committing to the explosive jump and using your momentum to power the rotation. Have an experienced spotter to help as you get the feel.
The 180 Jump
This fun trick involves combining a high jump with a midair twist. Follow these steps:
- Start with a solid vertical leap upwards with full extension
- At the peak of the jump, engage your core and pull your knees up while twisting your torso
- Rotate your body rapidly to complete a 180-degree spin
- Spot your landing and prepare to land on your feet, absorbing impact with bent knees
Learning to control your body while airborne takes practice. Nail the twisting timing to land this exciting jump successfully.
The Basket Toss
This popular trick uses two people and a trampoline basketball hoop. Have one person lie on their back with knees bent. The other person grabs the jumper’s hands and swings them back several times to build momentum. Release the jumper on the forward swing as they tuck their knees to be tossed high towards the hoop. The jumper can release the ball during flight towards the basket for a slam dunk.
Trampoline Safety Check
Before attempting more advanced 12ft trampoline tricks, make sure your trampoline setup and equipment is safe. Refer to the manufacturer’s Jumpfly manual and conduct inspections. Key things to check include:
- Frame integrity with no visible cracks or damage
- Properly installed safety enclosure netting with no gaps
- Padding secured over all poles and springs
- Tightly sewn trampoline mat with no tears or holes
- Clear overhead space free of wires and tree branches
Conducting regular safety checks gives you peace of mind when bouncing. Make sure to replace any worn parts for optimal enjoyment and accident prevention.
Have Fun!
Starting trampoline tricks takes courage but pays off big in fun and thrill once mastered. Take your time learning fundamental bounces and aerial control before advancing. With the right safety gear and spotters, flipping into back tucks, twists, and layouts on your 12ft Jumpfly trampoline is an exciting possibility. Most importantly, make sure the whole family gets in on the action and enjoys plenty of laughs.
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