Know the best sleeping postures and their benefits

Individuals irrespective of their age groups snooze, either for too little time or a too long time. Yes! The length of nap time and postures you maintain while sleeping matter a lot! It can invite a host of health issues like obesity, heart disease, diabetes and many more when you’re sleeping time is less.
Wrong sleeping postures can cause premature wrinkles, back pain, neck pain, heartburn, GERD, stomach problems, etc. So, maintaining a healthy sleeping position can avoid health problems. Before you curl down, let’s check out a few best sleeping positions you need to follow to avoid medical issues. Go through the article now!
Best sleeping postures and their benefits:
We never give importance to our sleeping posture until health issues knock us. So, before you mess up your health and shoot up with an unexpected medical emergency, just read the article below and know the best sleeping postures along with their benefits.
1. Sleeping on the back
Individuals who are sleeping on the back will not get neck pain, back pain, and also it prevents wrinkle formation, breast sagging and fight acid reflux. If you have a snoring habit, then sleeping in the back position is not a good option.
Many individuals find back sleeping helps in alleviating lower back pain. Also, sleeping on the back without a pillow will help your neck to be in a neutral position.
Individuals with congestive heart failure are not advised to sleep on the back because they may experience trouble while breathing in a supine position.
If you have frustrated stiff neck or shooting pains speak to your doctor immediately. To help ease discomfort, your doctor may do a thorough medical examination and may prescribe a muscle relaxant and antidepressants to relieve pain. You can order online from the pharmacy store near me and get the medicines delivered right to your doorstep.
2. Side sleepers
The vast majority of people, mostly prefer to sleep on their sides. Side sleeping is the best sleeping position for pregnant women as sleeping on the back will exert more pressure on the lower back. It is also not advisable to sleep on the stomach during your pregnancy cycle.
Even though side sleeping with an arm under the head is the most accepted position of all, still, this position can put pressure on your stomach, lungs, and, causes numbness in your hands, jaw pain and shoulder pain.
Apart from all this, it also has many benefits: It aids in digestion, boosts brain health, reduces snoring and heartburn.
3. Sleeping on the stomach
Sleeping belly-down at night is the best for snoring individuals. But this position can cause neck strain, wear and tear of the cervical spine, and also leads to lower back pain. If you enjoy sleeping on the stomach, then use a very soft pillow or none to make your neck comfortable.
4. Fetal position
Sleeping in the fetal position is good for individuals with a herniated disc. Bending legs while sleeping on the sides helps to open up the joints and reduces back pain.
5. Lying front with the pillow under the stomach
Placing a pillow under the stomach helps to reduce back pain and improves spine alignment.
6. Sleeping on the right side
If you are suffering from acid reflux and heartburn, sleeping on the right side is not an ideal option. It can worsen the symptoms. Sleep on the left side to ease GERD and heartburn symptoms.
If you are suffering from heartburn, speak to your doctor immediately. Your doctor may recommend antacids, OTC medications, or acid reducers for symptom relief.
If any of the above medicines are prescribed order them online from any trusted online medicine site and avail amazing medicine discounts on every order.
7. Log position (side)
Log position is the least used position by individuals. Sleeping on the sides with the arms down is the best healthier option than any other sleeping position.
Whatever the health issue you may go through, sleeping in your comfort zone is most important. We have discussed a few sleeping positions and their benefits.
Try a few and find out which position suits the best according to your health and body needs. Sleep is one essential thing required for your life. Just fix a suitable position, take care of your health to improve overall wellbeing.