The Do’s and Don’ts of Yard Sale Advertising

Did you know that Americans host 6 to 9 million yard sales every year? A yard sale has a unique charm that even the advent of Amazon and Craigslist can’t take away. It brings the allure of discovering something unexpected. Yard sales are great for decluttering in one swoop. To be successful in selling, you must know yard sale advertising and how it works.
Want to know how it works and some yard sale tips for sellers? Continue reading to get the scoop.
Do Advertise in Your Local Newspaper
Are you asking yourself, “Should I advertise my yard sale?” Yes, the success of your sale depends on how well you advertise it.
Try to advertise in your local paper if you can afford it. Many folks use classified advertisements in the newspaper to plan their route.
Do Use Craiglist
Yard sale marketing does not pass on the chance of using the internet. If you’re looking for a platform, use Craigslist.
Using Craiglist makes it simple to post the items you’re selling for free. Huge products can even have pictures and descriptions.
For a Saturday sale, place the ad on Thursday night. Remember to write down your address and directions.
Do Set Times
If you don’t want people knocking on your door so early in the morning, set times in your ad. Write from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. or for a couple of hours. Remember to have everything you’re selling ready by that time.
Mornings are usually the busiest, so make sure you’re up and ready to go during that period.
Don’t Put Out Only One Ad
Don’t expect a significant crowd by posting a single ad on the internet. How to hold a yard sale involves all kinds of advertisements that you can use.
Do More Signs for Yard Sale Advertising
Hang as many yard sale signs as you can. Be innovative in advertising and try other alternatives like vinyl banners and more.
Signs should be as big as possible, printed on a bright, durable poster board, and easy to read. Make them all the same color to make them easier to read. Use arrows to direct potential buyers to you.
Place your signs and banners where most people will notice them. Add balloons to make them stand out. Drive past your signages to make sure they’re in the right spot.
Don’t Forget to Price Everything
Price everything you’re selling. Not everyone enjoys asking for items’ prices.
Look up how much each of your items costs. If you’ve never held a sale before, go to a few and get some price ideas.
Add neon stickers with the prices after you’ve organized them into different piles. Some stores even sell price stickers with mentioned prices, making it easier to slap them on.
Learn Yard Sale Advertising Today
Yard sale advertising seems like a lot of work. Yet, it serves you well. The hard work put into your yard sale pays off if you prepare ahead and organize it well.
You are not only getting rid of unnecessary clutter, but you’re also making money!
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